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Understanding Ovulation 

The first step in fertility 

Understanding ovulation is imperative to your fertility journey. If you are like many woman who have irregular cycles & do not know when exactly you ovulate gaining the tools & insight in this course will increase your chances of conceiving. Ovulation is the first step in becoming pregnant & it is often more difficult we have been lead to believe. Knowing if and when you are ovulating is of the utmost importance, as with out ovulation pregnancy is impossible.      

Many women just like you were not taught the fundamentals of what happens in the body each month during ovulation. Honestly most women were not told the real story of how the "bird & bees" also known as the egg and sperm really come together to create new life, and  the fascinating process our bodies go through each month preparing for the chance of pregnancy.

Did you know:

  • 90% of women do not know their optimal fertility window

  • 80% of couples will take 6-12 months to conceive 

  • During ovulation the egg is only viable for 12-24 hours 


Are you ready to be empowered with the knowledge & tools of what exactly takes place each month during ovulation? Do you wish you knew how to pinpoint when you ovulate? If so this course is designed for you!!

Understanding Ovulation 


 What you will learn:

  • What is ovulation 

  • Tools to track when you are ovulating 

  • When is the best window for sexy time 

  • What hormones are involved in ovulation

  • What role the hormones play in ovulation 

  • What exactly happens when the egg & sperm merge

  • Luteinizing hormones role in understanding ovulation

  • The process the body goes through to facilitate ovulation

Understanding Ovulation 
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