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Knowing how to identify and eliminate environmental toxins is a key factor in hormonal health. When I initially discovered how many endocrine disruptors are hiding in everyday products I was astonished. Having the knowledge of how to recognize and avoid these toxins is imperative in the industrial world we live in today. In this course I will empower you with the knowledge to recognize where toxins may be hiding in your life and how to make healthy shifts to eliminate unwanted toxins. Understanding the impact that toxins can have on hormonal health and fertility is of the utmost importance prior to conception. You will learn effective tools you can utilize to support your body to reduce stored toxins. When you consider the fact that toxins are stored in our tissue and can enter the placenta during pregnancy, the importance of  detoxifying stored toxins & eliminating further exposure is highlighted. If you are ready to learn how toxins can negatively impact hormonal health and your ability to conceive while simultaneously gaining insight on how to mitigate toxin exposure and support hormonal balance this course is for you. 

How To Identify & Eliminate Environmental Toxins That Impede Pregnancy


 What you will learn:

  • ​What are environmental toxins

  • How toxins can impact fertility 

  • Ways to gently eliminate stored toxins

  • How toxins can impact hormonal health

  • The affect toxins have on the endocrine system

  • Common products that have a plethora of toxins

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about toxins 

  • Changes you can implement to reduce toxic exposure

  • Why eliminating harmful toxins is imperative pre conception

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