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Are you uncertain of when you even ovulate? We live in a world where most of us are not taught the multiple signals our bodies incompasses as we move through the phases of our cycle. Learning how to interpret these signals will empower you with the ability to decipher when you ovulate. Understanding ovulation is imperative to your fertility journey. Knowing if and when you are ovulating is the first step in becoming pregnant. Many women have become accustom to irregular cycles as well as a lack of menstruation for various reasons. It may seem pointless to put in the effort to track your cycle if you are experiencing irregularities, however your chart can help identify factors you may be overlooking due to the demands of everyday life. The beauty in charting your cycle is you can see the data and track changes and progress even if dealing with irregularities. This course is designed for women who are ready to be empowered with the knowledge and tools necessary to successfully chart their cycle. In this course you will learn how to tune in to your body's rithmic signals and have a clear understanding of when your optimal fertility window is. Pinpointing ovulation can greatly increase your chances of conception. Now is the time to begin tracking the signals your body is giving you to optimize your ability to become pregnant.

How To Chart Your Cycle To Pinpoint Ovulation

$45.00 Regular Price
$25.00Sale Price

 What you will learn:

  • The 4 phases of your cycle
  • The Primary signs of fertility
  • How to chart your cervical fluid
  • Keys to success in tracking ovulation
  • How to track & chart cervical position
  • How to use LH strips to track ovulation
  • How to take & chart basal body temperature
  • Tools to utilize when tracking your ovulating
  • How to observe and record your fertility signs
  • How to use ovulation prediction kits to track ovulation
  • The importance of fertile cervical fluid in becoming pregnant
  • The best time to get busy between the sheets to optimize pregnancy
  • Howthese valuable biomarkers can exponentially increases your conception
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