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Do you feel like a lifestyle makeover is exactly what you have been dreaming of? This course is designed to create a deeper understanding of why doing so could be the key to your success while trying to get pregnant. It may sound  almost to good to be true, dreamy in fact. However nurturing, nourishing and supporting your inner peace and wellbeing is of the utmost importance. In making energetic shifts in the way you move through life you will begin to unravel the overwhelming chronic state of stress. Our innate design is to handle stress yet in much smaller intervals then most of us experience. If you are in a frequent state of stress you may be allocating necessary hormonal precursors to process stress hormones. Through a cascade effect stress can negatively impact fertility. Stress is so powerful it can suppress menstruation and or ovulation. Due to the impact stress has on hormonal health, implementing methods of stress reduction are imeritive. Through lifestyle modifications and relaxation techniques you have the ability to rewire the intensity of your biological stress response. Imagine creating a state of being where you are met with life's stressors and you are able to navigate them with grace & ease. Having the tools to meet life's demands and remain in a state of peace. Your goal is to share your internal environment with the child of your dreams, why not make it as peaceful and serene as possible?  A lifestyle makeover can reduce stress, optimize hormonal health, improve digestion, improve relationships with friends, family, and your sweetheart. Being able to move through your journey towards motherhood with the tools and knowledge necessary to reduce stress is the greatest gift you could give yourself. If you feel that you are ready for a lifestyle makeover, I assure you there is no better time than now.

Coming Soon: A Lifestyle Makeover; Welcoming Life Into Your Womb


 What you will learn:

  • How stress affects fertility hormones

  • How to nourish your mind, body & spirit

  • Relaxation & stress reduction techniques

  • Practical ways to mitigate stress response 

  • Why stress can inhibit menstruation & ovulation

  • Lifestyle modifications to enrich your inner peace 

  • The benefit inner peace can bring during pregnancy

  • The importance of giving yourself permission to relax

  • Why self care is so critical as you prepare for pregnancy

  • The importance of nourishing the spirit while trying to conceive

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