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The benefits of a fertility journal when trying to conceive.

A fertility journal is a wonderful way to support your emotional well being while trying to conceive. Writing down your dreams & goals makes you more likely to commit to the action steps necessary to achieve them. The fertility journey can be incredibly challenging and very hard on your emotions. When you put a pen to paper you give your emotions an opportunity to move through you rather than stay stuck within the body. One of the ways to deal with overwhelming emotions is to find a healthy way to express yourself. Writing down your thoughts and emotions can lift your spirits as you’re expressing your emotions instead of keeping them bottled up inside. Journaling is a very helpful tool to support your mental and emotional well being. Journaling is an incredibly healthy way to help manage anxiety and stress. Journaling has also been shown to improve mood and help with depression. Fertility challenges can bring up all of these emotions and often feels incredibly overwhelming and makes it hard to consider continuing down such a challenging path to achieve becoming a mother. To support you on your fertility journey I created the Holistic Fertility Health Fertility Journal. In this journal you will find 33 pages of fertility related guided journal prompts. This fertility journal gives you the opportunity to deeply connect with your why, prioritize perspective & voice frustrations, recognize triggers & learn ways to better control them, opportunity to identify negative thoughts, as well as opportunity for positive self-talk, connection with self, your partner & your future child. This fertility journal is an effective way for you to work through your feelings, worries and challenges. Journaling is an outlet that supports putting your feelings into words which can naturally make talking about your emotions feel less challenging. By allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow on paper it can also help you identify thoughts and beliefs that are stress-inducing. Journaling about your feelings can help to soothe your nerves and allow you to better express yourself. By having clarity and connection to your feelings it allows you to better communicate your feelings about your fertility journey with your partner and medical provider. Being able to clearly communicate your feelings can help alleviate misunderstandings and added stress. In addition, journaling can also improve sleep by allowing you to get some of your feelings that have been in your mind on repeat on paper, freeing your mind of these persistent thoughts. By freeing the mind so that you can get better rest you also support your hormones in their ability to find balance. If you have been looking for a fertility journal to allow you to connect deeper with self, your sweetheart, your desire to be a mother and your future child you will love this beautiful printable fertility journal. By supporting your mental well being you are also supporting your fertility health.

Caylie O'Sullivan,

Holistic Fertility Health Coach

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