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Has The Day Arrived That You Are Ready To Become A Mother?

Have you decided that this is your year to conceive, to call in the child of your dreams? Yet have been having some difficulty doing so? Getting pregnant is not always as easy as we have been lead to believe. Millions of women face difficulties becoming pregnant with a wide range of reasons. Some face diagnosis of infertility while others experience delays due to lifestyle factors such as stress, toxins, hormonal imbalances, etc. There are also the many women who were not educated about ovulation... what it is, when it actually happens or how to pinpoint when your peak fertility window occurs. We live in a society that focuses on educating us on how to prevent pregnancy's yet fails to educate us on the fact that our innate biological design is to welcome new live into the world. Most of us have learned to deal with our monthly visitor, many even view it as a burden as we have not been truly educated on its greater purpose. Mensuration is not the main event of our cycles, it is merely a byproduct of not becoming pregnant. The main star of our reproductive cycle is really ovulation! There are a cascade of events that are all orchestrated with in us to support healthy ovulation each cycle. The signals our endocrine system activate, the rise and fall of our hormones, the thickening of our endometrium lining all are to support and prepare the body for ovulation. As without ovulation it is impossible to become pregnant. There is a common misconception that ovulation occurs on the 14th day of your cycle. For some this is true however most women will find that they in fact ovulate outside of this timeframe. Even for women who have a 28 day cycle it is not guaranteed that they will ovulate on day 14. There are many factors that can effect ovulation including stress, nutrition, health, lifestyle, etc. Any of these factors can affect when ovulation occurs and for some it even prevents them from ovulating at all. When a woman fails to ovulate it is called anovulation, for some this happens periodically and for others it is more common then not. When anovulation becomes chronic it is a leading cause of infertility. If only we were taught the importance of our cycles early on and the signals our body gives to alert us as to whether we are ovulating or not. Most women were not taught the fundamentals of what happens in the body each month during ovulation. In fact 90% of women do not know their optimal fertility window. In order to become pregnant knowing when you ovulate is imperative!! If you are like millions of women who were not educated on ovulation and would like to understand the process your body goes through each month to prepare for pregnancy I offer valuable insight to educate & empower your on your fertility journey.

Caylie O'Sullivan,

Holistic Fertility Health Coach

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