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Is Stress Negatively Impacting Your Fertility Health?

Are you one of millions of women whose day to day life has them stressed to the max? In our day in age it is rare to find a woman who feels like there are enough hours in the day to accomplish X, Y and Z. The unfortunate reality is that the level of stress encountered on a daily basis may be negatively impacting your fertility health. Stress can contribute to delayed ovulation and anovulatory cycles, due to fluctuations in hormone production. Your hormones are designed to gracefully work together in a cohesive manor. However when they get out of balance they begin to compete and inadvertently work against each other. When hormones are continually working against each other it makes conceiving far more challenging. When deciding to prioritize your fertility health it is imperative you reevaluate your relationship with stress!! Where do your daily stressors show up? Are there stressors that you can eliminate? How do you rewrite your relationship with stress? These are all import questions to ask yourself as you evaluate your daily levels of stress. Some of your daily stressors can be modified while others are currently fixed and there isn't a lot of room for change. Start with looking at places in your life you can plain pull the plug on these unnecessary stressors, immediately remove them from the equation freeing up valuable space to breath. Ahh breath... not something most of us feel we even have the time to do... remember to take time to breath! No not the typical fast pace, shallow, thoughtless breaths... I mean the deep, full, invigorating breaths... the ones that at first feel so foreign. As the oxygen expands your lungs it almost feels lightheaded, keep breathing as it should not feel this way. Incorporate deep meditative breaths, breaths that are cool in the back of your nose, breaths you feel the cool breeze tickle the back of your throat as they pass, breaths that expand the space in your ribs and fill you belly. You know those breaths... the real good ones we rarely allow ourselves the time to take. Those are the breaths I want you to start weaving throughout as much of your day as possible. Once you have weaved breathing back into you daily routine take a look at work... where can you minimize stressor in your work day? Do you bring work home and try to be available 24/7, always taking calls & emails on demand? If so establishing some boundaries in the work department could prove incredibly beneficial. The same could be said for interpersonal relationships, its great to be there for your friends and family as long as it is not causing you unnecessary stress in your life. Contrary to popular belief you are not obligated to answer your phone or texts the moment they come through. Give yourself permission to follow up when you have the energy and space in your day to do so. Often the obligations we place on ourselves create more stress then the actual task at hand. Be gentle with yourself do you speak to yourself from a kind and loving place or are you barking a your self like a drill sergeant at a boot camp? If you are unconsciously yelling at your self throughout the day you could be a contributing factor to your own stress... it needs to stop! Your dedication to shifting your relationship with stress will positively impact your fertility health. Hormonal health is imperative to your journey of becoming a mother. Lowering your stress will get you closer to your goals to become a mother. Be gentle with your self, set realistic expectations & boundaries as you rewrite your relationship with stress each day. You can find more information on stress the affect it has on hormones & how to regulate it by clicking the learn more button below.

Caylie O'Sullivan,

Holistic Fertility Health Coach

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