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Image by Heather Miller

How To Chart Your Cycle
To Pinpoint Ovulation

Understanding when you ovulate is imperative to your fertility journey. If you are like many woman who have irregular cycles & do not know if or when you are ovulating you will love this course. You will learn valuable insight & tools in this course to empower you to chart your cycle. Ovulation is the first step in becoming pregnant & it is often more difficult we have been lead to believe. Learning how to chart your cycle gives you the power to pinpoint when you are ovulating, paving the way for pregnancy.

Many women just like you were not taught how the body signals when we are approaching ovulation. Learning how your body alerts you as to when you will ovulate empowers you as you are trying to conceive. When you are able to pinpoint ovulation it can eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress throughout the rest of the month. 

Did you know:

  • 90% of women do not know their optimal fertility window

  • A woman can expect to ovulate 300-400 times in her lifetime

  • Women have about a 30% chance of getting pregnant each cycle

Image by Sixteen Miles Out

Are you ready to be empowered with the knowledge & tools to understand if and when you are ovulating? Are you overwhelmed with trying to figure it out & wish you could just pinpoint your ovulation window? If so this course is designed for you!!

How To Chart Your Cycle

 What you will learn:

  • The 4 phases of your cycle

  • The Primary signs of fertility

  • How to chart your cervical fluid

  • Keys to success in tracking ovulation

  • How to track & chart cervical position

  • How to use LH strips to track ovulation

  • How to take & chart basal body temperature

  • Tools to utilize when tracking your ovulating

  • How to observe and record your fertility signs

  • How to use ovulation prediction kits to track ovulation

  • The importance of fertile cervical fluid in becoming pregnant

  • The best time to get busy between the sheets to optimize pregnancy

  • How these valuable biomarkers can exponentially increases your conception

How To Chart Your Cycle To Pinpoint Ovulation
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