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A Lifestyle Makeover;
Welcoming Life Into Your Womb

Do you feel overwhelmed moving through the day to days of life, wishing you could find a sense of inner peace? A lifestyle makeover may be exactly what you need! Making lifestyle changes can reduce stress, optimize hormonal health, improve digestion, improve relationships with friends, family, and your sweetheart. As you move through your journey towards motherhood this course will support you with the tools and knowledge necessary to reduce stress and welcome life into your womb. If you feel that you are ready to give yourself the greatest gift...
I assure you there is no better time than now!

Through lifestyle modifications and relaxation techniques you have the ability to rewire the intensity of your biological stress response. Imagine creating a state of being where you are met with life's stressors and you are able to navigate them with grace & ease. Having the tools to meet life's demands and remain in a state of peace.


Did you know:

  • Stress can interfere with a woman's ability to get pregnant

  • Stress is so powerful it can suppress menstruation and or ovulation

  • Lifestyle factors can be modified to enhance overall wellbeing and support both you and your partner while trying to conceive


Are you ready to be empowered with the tools and knowledge necessary to recreate your lifestyle to support your fertility? When was the last time you took time to nourish your wellbeing? In this course you will learn practical ways to make lifestyle shifts to support your fertility health!

A Lifestyle Makeover; Welcoming Life Into Your Womb

What you will learn:

  • How stress affects fertility hormones

  • How to nourish your mind, body & spirit

  • Relaxation & stress reduction techniques

  • Practical ways to mitigate stress response 

  • Why stress can inhibit menstruation & ovulation

  • Lifestyle modifications to enrich your inner peace 

  • The benefit inner peace can bring during pregnancy

  • The importance of giving yourself permission to relax

  • Why self care is so critical as you prepare for pregnancy

  • The importance of nourishing the spirit while trying to conceive

A Lifestyle Makeover; Welcoming Life Into Your Womb
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