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Image by Kelly Sikkema

How To Identify & Eliminate Environmental Toxins That Impede Pregnancy

Knowing how to identify and eliminate environmental toxins is a key factor in hormonal health. Having the knowledge of how to recognize and avoid toxins is imperative in the industrial world we live in today. In this course I will empower you with the knowledge to recognize where toxins may be hiding in your life and how to make healthy shifts to eliminate unwanted toxins to support a healthy pregnancy.  

Todays world is much different than the world was a 100 years ago. With the advancements of industry & technology our world has become riddled with environmental toxins. So much so that it is nearly impossible to avoid toxins all together, however you can eliminate unnecessary exposure once you have the understanding of where these toxins are hiding. 


Did you know:

  • Toxins are stored in our tissue and can enter the placenta during pregnancy

  • Environmental toxins have the potential to damage sperm, eggs, and the developing fetus

  • Researchers found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in the umbilical cord blood of new born babies

How To Identify & Eliminate Environmental Toxins That Impede Pregnancy
Flying Books

Are you feeling overwhelmed with information about environmental toxins and trying to piece together how they impact fertility? If so you will love this straight forward course with practical tips on how to identify and eliminate toxins that have negative impacts on your ability to become pregnant!

How To Identify & Eliminate Environmental Toxins That Impede Pregnancy

   What you will learn:

  • How toxins can impact fertility 

  • ​What are environmental toxins

  • Ways to gently eliminate stored toxins

  • How toxins can impact hormonal health

  • The affect toxins have on the endocrine system

  • Common products that have a plethora of toxins

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about toxins 

  • Changes you can implement to reduce toxic exposure

  • Why eliminating harmful toxins is imperative pre conception

How To Identify & Eliminate Environmental Toxins
That Impede Pregnancy 

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