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Stress & Fertilty

Stress The Affect It Has On Your Hormones & How to Regulate It

Understanding the impacts of stress on your hormonal health & how it affects fertility is imperative. Stress has the ability to create a cascade of undesired imbalances within the body. In this course you will learn why stress is so impactful as well as techniques to reduce your stress response. 

At the pace the world moves these days it is likely you are experiencing stress, as most are. Between everyday life, careers, family, & friends most are barely able to find time to breath much less destress. Trying to conceive can be incredibly stressful itself. Learning stress management strategies is incredibly beneficial for fertility health.

Did you know:

  • High levels of stress can double the risk of infertility

  • Stress can decrease your libido, resulting in less frequent intercourse

  • Stress affects the reproductive potential of the male and female body

Stress The Affect It Has On Your Hormones & How to Regulate It

When was the last time you stopped to smell the roses? In today's fast passed world it is so easy to be overwhelmed by stress. If you are ready to understand the impact stress has on your hormones & why stress directly impacts fertility, you will love this course!

Stress The Affect It Has On Your Hormones & How to Regulate It


 What you will learn:

  • How is stress related to fertility 

  • Ways to reduce your stress response ​

  • Cortisol's role in ovulation suppression

  • Mitochondria's role in hormone production

  • Relaxation techniques for hormonal health

  • How stress negatively impacts hormonal health  

  • How your perception of stress can affect fertility

  • The cascade of hormonal issues stress can cause

Stress The Affect It Has On Your Hormones & How to Regulate It 
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